Monday, March 19, 2012

Ethical Dilemma

Ethical Dilemma

I am a person who wants to affect change in the world, I was raised by my family to be a person who is honest and most of all to do all things for the glory of God. in my for years of taking up mass communications I have encountered situations where in I was faced by the facts that in the industry I am studying for, temptations will creep on you from all directions and at some point I have questioned; do I really want to be a part of this industry?

I want to be a photographer, right now I am earning a living through that. I shoot weddings, debuts, events and other stuff. Right now the only problem I face is to make the photos that I shoot beautiful for my clients. Yes, I do post processing a little edit here and there but I have never done anything that has jeopardized the integrity of the photos that I take. I always try to capture the moment in its essence and stick to its truth.

One of the things ethical dilemmas that I think would be facing when I become a part of the industry is whether “to shoot or not to shoot? Or if I took photos, should I post them or not?” there was this one time when I was driving going up north I came across a traffic accident wherein a person was hit by a bus and the bus did not have the audacity to stop. Instinctively I brought out my camera to take pictures of the event but as I came closer to the accident I realized that the person was mutilated by the accident and was near death. Right then and there I decided not to take photos anymore. I felt that it would be insensitive of me to take photos of a person dying and I am more of an artsy kind of photographer, I wouldn’t want to take photos of such a tragic event. This happened a year ago and I am not yet a part of the media industry. But what if this happens again in the future where I am working for a newspaper for example? As a media practitioner we are tasked to deliver news to people and as a photographer we have to document such events for work. But still it I walk in a very thin line and I don’t know what to do. Good thing now that I somewhat have an idea what to do in this situations. When I asked my professor one time whether to shoot or not to shoot, she said that “if it’s in front of you shoot.” So I will shoot, but whether to publish them or not? I will refer to the Markulla Framework for Ethical decision making.

If I were to use the utilitarian approach wherein I would choose to the option which will produce more good and the least harm, I would publish the photos with the permission of the family of the victim. In this way I would be able to serve the community by the information I have and at the same time not harm the wishes of the family of the victim.

The people have the right to information and the family has the right to their privacy as well. If I was to use the rights approach in the framework, I probably would not post the photos because if I post the photos I would violate the privacy of the family. Plus I don’t think that people would want to view photos of accidents.

If I were to use the Justice approach which treats people equally and proportionately, I would post the photos. I would just set in mind that no matter what I cover is public property. That way I would be fair to all parties involved. Besides, it’s my job.

On the other hand, if I use the Common Good approach, I would post the photos because in the words of Spock in the sci-fi series star trek, “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” Thus the needs of information of people are greater.

Among these options my favorite and what I live by is the virtue approach, because this reflects me to be the person that I want to be. As I said earlier am a person who was raised to do what is right. And in my opinion something that sensitive and graphic should not be published. People would understand why I would not want to post the photos. We are a sensitive race who respects privacy of people greatly.

In the end I am all new to this. I have a lot of things to learn along the way. Now that I have this framework to guide me in my ethical decision making, I am now more optimistic for the future. Even though the outcomes of the different approaches are different, I believe that all of them guides us to make the best decisions in regards to the factors involved. It also enables us to postulate the different possibilities that we can explore to create a better ethical solution. But after everything, I will stay true to what I believe. No matter what the future holds for me, I will stick with the values and principles that I have. I will stay true to what is right.

“Truth is the highest thing that a man can keep”, this are the words of Geoffrey Chaucer in his book the Canterbury tales. I agree with him, there is nothing higher but upholding the truth at all times. One of the most powerful entities in this world is the Media. If you were born in the late 80’s here in the Philippines, then you are most probably a person who looks to media for his information about the world. Here in the Philippines; media is a part of our daily lives, our opinions about a certain issue is most of the time of those of the newscasters or analysts that we watch and listen to on tv and radio.

How heavily should media weigh social justice against its subscribers, advertisers and audiences? Before I answer that what is social justice for me? Social justice is treating each member of society equally and without prejudice. So my answer to the question is most definitely, a lot! If social justice is being fair to all parties concerned then I believe that media should put that in priority among the rest. Upholding social justice eliminates all bias amongst us. Truth will flourish.

All should be given equal importance, I don’t mean to sound like a communist but if we treat each commitment with fairness and equality, we wouldn’t have the problems that we are facing now as a country. Men are created equally thus there is no room for improper treatment. All we need to do to make a moral decision is to identify what is the best for everyone. To treat everyone with respect, trust and love for me is true social justice. And as future media practitioners we should break the bonds of social injustice here in the Philippines, give the news for what it is, and let the people know the truth.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Reflection Paper in Media Ethics Class

Every person is given the power to choose and the power to decide, but because we’re living in a mad world, the hardest part of life is that when we make our choices regardless of its consequences.

In our Media Ethics class, we were oftentimes given an ethical dilemma which then we will try to discern and solve in a way that we were able to weigh all the factors involved to come up with a better decision, most probably the one which will benefit the most.

In the industry that we’re heading to in months time, Media ethics had been a great help for us. Of course we knew that we’ll be surrounded by powerful people and with that, we need not be blinded with all the luxuries that they have to offer. Since we were given plentiful of real situations on where we relate ourselves into and we were able to give objective and conscientious decisions, I can say that we can now face the challenges of the real world.

As a future media practitioner, I am very positive that all the values and learnings that were inculcated to us especially in our lessons regarding the conflict of interest, plagiarism, bias, staging of the story and fabrication will serve as a warning--- that in order for us to stay long in the industry, we mustn’t engage ourselves in doing such stupid acts.

Ever since high school, I already dreamt of being a successful reporter or if more fortunate, a news anchor, but I’m now having doubts if this will happen. As I finished my 200-hour practicum in GMA 7, I was honestly discouraged of being in news because of hearing some staff talking about how hard the job of those who’re working there and if you’re experiencing stress in your programs in public affairs, you must triple the feeling in the news department.

But since I was trained in one of the programs of public affairs as a junior researcher, I am now considering and welcoming the thought of working as one of the production staff. Of course I still want to work in media even if I already know how hard the job may be. I don’t want to waste the four years I spent in the course that I took and become underemployed. I’m not saying that there’s something wrong in being underemployed but it’s just that I don’t want to become one of them.

Also, I consider being a novelist and a composer someday. Actually, I’m passionate in composing songs and writing short stories and I really learned a lot in our discussion about plagiarism. And the strict implementation of “no plagiarising act” in our reflection papers taught us to be more careful in quoting and mentioning our sources because if we’ll commit any mistakes during our job, there’s no tomorrow waiting for us.

Anyway, I just would like to take this opportunity to thank you, Ms. Candice Reyes, for teaching us the fundamentals of Media Ethics and sharing your knowledge and experiences as well. In a way, you helped us shape the values and characters that we should always bring as we enter the new phase of our lives.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


The most important matter that I have ever learned in Media Ethics is responsibility. It encompasses everything and all of the elements within the subject. It is a lot heavier than ethics itself. Responsibility is just a simple word with just a simple meaning, but its role in journalism gives life and color to the truth, therefore promoting transparency and justice.
Responsible journalism in media enlightens everyone that comes in contact with the issue. It facilitates a deeper understanding even on unpopular and odd issues in whatever aspect of human activity and endeavor.

Actually, it is very hard to be responsible sometimes, especially when our views and opinions contradict to what should be the outcome of every story that we cover. Not only that, there are many pressing factors from the different elements within the scope of the story - social, cultural, and political interferences are present almost all the time when we gather the data. Responsibility is a matter of choice for a journalist, because the outcome of every story might make or break anything or anybody, therefore very crucial in gaining trust and respect in the broadcast industry.

The most interesting topic for me in media ethics is an issue that involves politics, because a single issue can stir or agitate the minds of many people. It is written in many historical books all over the world that many big political events that had happened in the past started from just a small issue. From this, journalists who happened to be “very responsible” enough have written and reported issues that triggered explosions and helped to shape the history of many nations.

I am targeting to be a broadcast journalist someday that will probably focus on political issues. I think this is very interesting for me because of the sensitivity of these issues to the society that would consistently remind me to be very extra careful, and thus responsible enough to be guided with all the aspects and principles of journalism.


Brigham Young University basketball player, Brandon Davies has been SUSPENDED for the rest of the season for having PRE-MARITAL SEX with HIS GIRLFRIEND. what can you say about the suspension? what do you think about pre-marital sex? and how do you see the HONOR CODE OF BYU?

when failure takes place

Fire destroyed BY home?! is that possible?
we learned that we should be the first to get the news and deliver it correctly to the audience.. it is considered as a unpardonable sin in the media industry.

Media: Science and Virtue

Ethics. Ethics. Ethics. Perhaps this is best word that would describe my last semester here in Centro Escolar University.
Time flies so fast, it was almost four years had passed when I decided to study here in Centro Escolar University, looking me now; I have transformed so much, from being a probinsyano boy from Zambales to Man of Knowledge and Values.
I have no any regrets to say for choosing this university as venue for me to pursue my college life. Aside from the knowledge that this university imparted to my mind, it also inculcated virtue in my heart.
Knowing all the technical aspect of production, rudiments in writing and basic principles in performance, are some of the things that I enjoyed learning from my professors, but having been exposed to the reality of media, being challenge of decision making and critical thinking are the hardest things and important things I experienced during taking this program.
At first, before I enter the second semester for this school year and my last semester of my college life, I thought I already learned all the things I needed in order for me to become a what they called professional. But suddenly, this perception comes to become an illusion, when I am exposed to the reality of the profession.
I know decision making is not my strongest point, but come to reality of the profession, we have, we need and we should. I have realized that the profession that I wanted to enter, is a profession that is full of decision making, it requires a braver and bolder personality, a critically and technically aspect of reality.
Brenna Coleman (2009) once said, “Ethics becomes an increasingly important issue in modern society, where people are exposed to television news, radio broadcasting, newspaper articles, and now digital media as well.”
I agree with this, people should be more responsible nowadays in the information that they are exposed with, but I think people behind these stories should be the one who should be more responsible.
We the future media practitioners are the one, who will be starting public opinion and shaping the perception of the public, will be the one who will help in building this nation brighter, so the responsibility that is given to us becomes bigger.
I am happy because, before we become a media practitioner in future, this university prepared us already technically and morally, I am been exposed to the different public standards that governs the media industry, such as plagiarism, contempt of court, libel and alike.
I become more aware in my actions and words that are coming from my mouth, because a single mistake in a day will ruin your enter life.
I was able also to share things to my colleagues; I will never forget those approaches that really help me in making things not complicated and making decisions easier and comprehensive.
I also become more aware of the things surrounding me, such as those person who are stereotyped by the people, issues that are partially covered and things that are been discriminated.
I was enlightened to the reality of life ahead of me, the profession that I wanted to be part of. People, who are responsible, are those people who learned from personal experience and the mistakes of others. We should learned how to realize things and become sensitive in others feelings.
One of the things I really learned about this course subject maybe is, knowledge and values should intertwine to one another, they should complement to one another and become as one. Knowledge without values are useless; values without knowledge are baseless.
Mr. Eugenio Lopez III once said “values are what drive the business”, strong values foundation of a journalist will really help him to become the person he wanted to become, he will never experience failure and he will never commit mistake, because this is what drive you to become you wanted to be.
Gratitude is due to the person who really exerted effort in making this course subject become interesting and easy. Thank you for those who really share their thoughts and wisdom in making me prepared in the reality ahead of us. Thank you Ma’am!

Friday, March 9, 2012



More personal than
objective, the data I received in this subject, in this physical realm; started
with me being in a quandary about everything and later being cognizant in one
thing. I found out that Media Ethics is like parental advice: you know you
ought to but sometimes you choose not to.
There are various available perspectives in
this mortal plane, such views provide different trains of thought for what
happens to be the same object for discussion. To prevent or at least minimize
the chances of individuals clashing mentally, emotionally or physically; we
have ethical principles to guide us .For better interpersonal relationships
among fellow mouth-breathers, there is a vital need for a schema of sorts to
follow; so we can actually get a grasp of what is right or wrong.
Facts of the matter: we
are all different. A famous person, a cult or a holy book once said that the
only constant thing in life is change; partially true. Another constant thing
in life is the difference of human beings. No two human beings are exactly
alike. In a scientific, religious or some quack concepts; we can’t be
completely similar. Twins are no exception. With this idea in mind, how can we
get along? how do we know what is right and wrong?
This is a world of
standards; a modern age. We simply can’t do as we please like we used to. In
the times of the Caveman, it was all about survival; It still is, but in those
times the rules on basic co-existence were pretty much irrelevant.
We live in a planet of
a growing and further growing populace of differing nationalities. We base
judgment with a combination of personal biases and prejudices. Since it has
been scientifically proven that no man, woman or child can truly live alone and
live to tell about it; I have learned to factor giving importance to my fellow
mouth-breathers as an important aspect of living
In a macro perspective,
a cumulative of humans form a society. More than what is vital to an
individual, There is a necessity for the needs of a society to be accomplished.
If every man really went for himself and covered his/her own back most of the
actual passing time; I can personally foresee chaos becoming a product of such
selfishness. In a way what I really learned in media ethics, is not just the
details of journalism ethics per se; I saw it as a support for my previous
beliefs and personal unpublished theorems proving that life is for living with
The details of my
writing may seem nonsensical to the less keen observer; but this is my truth.
I enjoyed my semester
with the media ethics subject and facilitator, it was short but substantial; I
got to know others and I was in more ways than one; inspired to pursue
something else because of this course. I am not meant for news media, and I will
say such until I am seriously proven otherwise. I can enjoy the life of a
pauper, given that I reside on the expressive platforms of media. It was
enjoyable learn something, after quite a long run of classes that caused my
mind to cease from its usual erring but responsive functions. I only have a few
school class memories to hold with fondness, this should be one of them…I

Last Day of Media Ethics Class (My Reflection Paper)


Years run fast, semesters passed by. Now, I am a graduating student of Centro Escolar Universiy- an institution which provided me a high quality of education and build me up to became a better person.

Being an Escolarian is indeed something which I must really be proud of. The knowledge, values, and learning experience since I was in first year college have brought me to another milestone of my journey in life.

Taking up Mass communication major in broadcasting is not as simple as what other people perceived. It really takes a lot of courage and perseverance to attain your goals.

Media Ethics is one of the major subjects which are very beneficial and productive that perhaps an important tool we can apply in real world of work. The subject is not simply about recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. It has to do more with morality as part of human life.

I consider the Framework for Ethical Decision Making as the most important learning I had in this subject. It helped me to recognize different ethical issues, choose an approach and make a decision out of it. It challenges me as an individual to take a stand especially when it actually leads me to confusion. I really have to consider every single aspect of the issue and possible consequences it can have.

With every decision I will make, I always have to ask myself, how can my decision be implemented with the greatest care and attention to those who are concerned? Indeed, life is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.

This learning will be advantageous as I venture to my future career. I know at some point of my life, I really have to go back with the principles I learned from CEU and use it as my instrument in being a knowledgeable and virtuous employee.

With that, I want to give emphasis that it is not just the matter of the grades we earned, but instead, it’s the matter of the lessons we learned.

Every lesson we learned, every activity we made, and every value we shared, we pound it within ourselves and keep it as a tool in facing the future that awaits us.

I am truly proud and honored to be an ESCOLARIAN.

Learning ethics subject at 8th grade?

Know how important our role to the public

Open it. This will surely help you in understanding what our purpose as (future) media practitioners. We should not just focus on enhancing our abilities relating to the field we are in, but also the ability to figure out what we ought to do, what we have to do for the benefit of the public and the whole country. We have to know what our objective first as media practitioner before working it out.

DC Reporter Goes Off Air for a Week after Threats to Children
By: Sydney Smith
March 04, 2012 07:30 PM EST
DC Reporter Goes Off Air for a Week after Threats to Children
Andrea McCarren. (Credit: CNN Video via DCist, screenshot)
Washington, D.C. reporter Andrea McCarren stepped off the air for a week after her children were "harassed" over her reports, the Washington Post reported.

McCarren had been reporting on air since Feb. 1 about underage drinking for WUSA-9.  In response, "her two teenage children were harassed at school by peers and on Facebook by 'friends,'" according to the Washington Post.  McCarren also received "e-mail and Facebook denunciations" over her reports exposing "how easy it was to buy booze" underage and on teenagers being busted for underage drinking.

See here WUSA's special report "Wasted: Young and Using."

So, McCarren's next report, on pre-gaming, was broadcast by Derek McGinty and her children "stayed home from school." On Feb. 5, McGinty told viewers about the response to the reports.  McGinty explained that some viewers "have been enraged" even though McCarren didn't "make a mistake" or "report something untrue."  He said:  "They're mad because Andrea McCarren told the truth about some of our kids boozing it up way too young, and now she's on the bad end of some nasty emails and worse. Now as for the angry teenagers, I get it."
McCarren explained to the Washington Post: "My kids were targeted. That's where I drew the line."   CBS Newsreported that McCarren was back on the air Feb. 15.

McCarren even contacted the police over the reaction to her reporting because of a Facebook post that " asserted that a teen-drinking party was to take place at her house," the Washington Post noted.

According to the Washington Post, the station manager, D'Ambrosi, explained that the story is more important than the "individual reporter" and the concern over "the treatment of McCarren's children."

McCarren is quoted as telling CBS News that "At first I was frightened and then I became angry. It felt like an orchestrated Facebook and Twitter campaign of hate. People put my home address on the internet. There were calls for revenge and retaliation against my family. I'm now in about my 27th year as a reporter and I have never seen anything like this."
The Washington City Paper wrote that it agreed with McCarren's call to "lay low" since her children are involved. However, the City Paper wrote:  "On the larger scale, it's a shame to see a professional silenced by the fact that not just she, but her children, have been subject to bullying."

McCarren provided a few reasons why she and the station are following the underage drinking story. For example, she noted that "two months before we confronted that liquor store owner that has been selling for years to minors as young as 14 in plain sight, we brought this to the attention of D.C. Police as well as the Control Board, yet they did nothing and continue not to (take) any action."
We wrote in December 2011 when WUSA apologized for and unpublished a story from its website that lifted from the Washington Post.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Trending and most controversial KONY 2012

Interviewing Invisible Children’s CEO After ‘Kony 2012′ Film Goes Viral

By Melissa Knowles | Trending Now

Make Joseph Kony famous. That is the goal of a 30-minute video produced by the nonprofit organization Invisible Children. The video, released just two weeks ago, has already received more than 38 million views and counting between Vimeo and YouTube, and has drawn lots of attention - both good and bad - to its cause. Trending Now spoke with CEO Ben Keesey in an exclusive interview where he gave us an inside look at how the video became so viral so fast, and responded to criticism over the organization's finances and its solutions to the conflict in Uganda.

The documentary follows filmmaker Jason Russell in his pursuit to end the conflict in Uganda by capturing Joseph Kony, the leader of the rebel group the Lord's Resistance Army, his personal army of kidnapped children.

Invisible Children says that Kony has gone unnoticed for his crimes against humanity because the American government does not see him as a direct threat to American foreign policy or interests. Invisible Children feels the injustice against the children has gone on for far too long, and the group wants to put a stop to it.

The organization decided to raise Kony's international profile so American politicians would take notice. The goal is to make Joseph Kony famous through making the documentary and having everyone possible, primarily college students, share the story of the tragedies. Using social media, word of mouth, posters and awareness rallies, Invisible Children has aimed to have Kony captured by the end of 2012 and to restore peace and prosperity to communities in Central Africa.

While awareness and support of the Invisible Children's movement has increased by the millions, it has been met with some controversy, including accusations that the organization is providing an idealistic and overly simplistic solution to an incredibly complex problem. Some have also pointed out that there are other people committing crimes against humanity and also other countries, like Sudan and Somalia, that are in need of support and funding just as much as Uganda.

In addition, public financial records indicate that only 32 percent of the money raised last year went to direct services to help the children affected by the LRA. The other 68 percent went to things like staff salaries, film production, and travel costs. Plus, even though Invisible Children is advocating for a peaceful resolution in bringing Kony to justice, it is not opposed to direct military intervention.

On Facebook, Invisible Children has more than 2 million likes, and on Twitter more than 320,000[Y1] followers, including celebrities and other influential people. So by the looks of it, the organization is well on its way to making Joseph Kony a household name.


Lahat ng baho ni Marcos, Ramos, Erap at GMA ay naisapubliko na. Maliban lang kay Cory. Dahil nga sa media bias sa ating bansa. dahil ba ito sa mga impluwensya ng pamilya nila? Kinilabutan ako habang pinapanuod ko ito.

Jessica Simpson strikes Demi-esque pose for 'Elle'

LOS ANGELES - A pregnant Jessica Simpson has taken a page from Demi Moore's celebrity playbook in a nude cover photo for the April issue of Elle magazine, and the singer and actress has confirmed the baby will be a girl.
In the cover photo released by the magazine onhi Wednesday, Simpson can be seen covering her breasts with her right arm and hand, and cradling her full abdomen with her left.
She wears rings and dangling earrings, and her blond hair flows over her shoulder and chest.
A photo inside shows Simpson standing as her fiance and the father of her unborn child, pro football player Eric Johnson, kisses her belly.
Simpson, 31, revealed in October that she was pregnant with her first child, after dating Johnson since May 2010.
She first rose to fame at age 19 with her debut album "Sweet Kisses" in 1999. She married singer Nick Lachey of boy band 98 Degrees in 2002, and the two starred together in a reality TV show about being newlyweds. They divorced in 2006.
As it happens, Lachey revealed this week that his current wife, TV personality Vanessa Lachey (formerly Minnillo), is pregnant with the couple's first child.
Simpson's cover photo on Elle is similar to an attention-grabbing nude pose actress Demi Moore, who was pregnant at the time, struck on the cover of Vanity Fair in 1991. The Moore picture taken by renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz caused a controversy at the time, but since then a number of other pregnant stars have posed for similar shots.
The April issue of Elle featuring Simpson officially hits newsstands on March 20. Inside the magazine, she reveals that she is pregnant with a girl, confirming previous speculation.
Simpson, whose most famous acting role was in the 2005 film "The Dukes of Hazard," launched a highly successful clothing, handbag and shoes collection in 2007.

 -- kung ako ang lalake parang hindi ko ikatutuwa na magpost ang asawa ko ng ganyan

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


just recently the FHM cover of Bella Padilla was said to be "racist" but after the racist issue, another issue rises, the issue of the used of women and their body to sell services ad products like the men's magazine FHM was doing for so long. Do you thing it is just for the women be a subject for this products flaunting their body because they seem to be willing to do and pose?.





may isang player na NAGSALITA ng MUST BE A CUP B?!...



The Philippine football team "AZKALS" was composed of Foreign men ..they lived and grow up in other country with different culture, and we can say that they are more liberated than us, Filipinos, but this is not a acceptable excused because fro sure they know Filipinos were very sensitive in the issue of sex.

While, Ramos acting her position as the match commissioner for the Philippine AZKALS and Malayan TIGERS, she entered the locker room to do the pre-match inspection to the AZKALS players( where the said incident happened). If you were Ramos would you still enter at the boys locker room knowing that they were all boys and surely they are naked or half-naked.Can't she ask somebody to do that for her?. and why host an inspection without the team couch and manager ?.
What do you think the correct action of the SPORTS Commission in this issue?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I had a few but interesting conversation with one of the employees at Manila Broadcasting Company. She is Ghel Moreno, a news reporter, writer and researcher for Aksyon Radyo. It was a great privilege for me to conduct an interview with her as regards: Taking a Stand! “Is it Ethical or Unethical?”

From the topics given to us, I have chosen Ethical Video & Audio Editing as the subject of our discussion. It is an interesting topic for me and the same way to her. As part of her profession, she is required to do a special report every Saturday. They are given a certain issue that usually requires people to interview. She has encounter prominent people, government officials and even ordinary people who can contribute to justification of her report.

As we immediately start our discussion, I go straight to the point with my query. I asked her, From the voice clips you are using I your special reports, how do you choose those part of the interview which you will release on-air? And she answered me directly that she goes with what is important and what is needed to be known by the public. She tries to look at all sides of the issue as to avoid being bias. She wants it to be direct to the point to give the immediate information to the listeners. If there are sensitive parts of the interview, she takes it into consideration and making sure that she does not go beyond her limitations.

I also asked her if she ever tried editing or manipulating an audio just to protect someone’s image and reputation? She directly answered me with all conviction that she never attempted to do such. She admitted that she is new in the industry and she wanted to be a credible source of information.

The last thing I asked her is that, How does she practice ethics in her profession and How does she value it? I was mesmerized on how she answered me. She told me that ethics is not simply about on your profession, it’s part of life. She may not be as good as other people in the industry, but she guarantees herself that she is striving hard to be a credible media practitioner. She never attempt to manipulate people through audio editing. She assures that she is giving the right information for the right of the people.

In my own perception from what she have told me, I actually gained positive realizations in life. Media is a tough industry, our character and values as individuals are important aspects in dealing with it. It is not about your job itself, it is also about you as a human being.

I really enjoyed our small conversation. I have learned a lot from her. She was indeed an inspiring person to look at. It has a huge impact on my part since I am also about to enter media industry. I will always remember all the learnings and wisdom she shared with me. J

What are your insights about this photo?

Does this action show some respect?

Private prosecutor Vitaliano Aguirre had had enough of Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago and had the guts to stand up to her.
In a hearing marked by high drama, Aguirre covered his ears with his hands while the prosecution panel was receiving yet another a tongue-lashing from Santiago, this time for its sudden decision on Tuesday to rest its case against Chief Justice Renato Corona.
For that “contemptuous” behavior, Aguirre earned the ire of not just Santiago but the entire Senate impeachment court, which cited him in contempt on Day 26 of the impeachment trial, ironically a day after the prosecution had rested its case.
“I charge this private prosecutor with contempt of this impeachment court! I have evidence right here taken by Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, and to say that nasaktan ang tenga ko (my ears hurt) should have been (a cause) for you to walk out of this impeachment court. But you cannot make those contemptuous gestures in front of a judge, and get away with it,” Santiago declared.
Cayetano himself took the picture using his cellular phone camera.
Santiago made the motion to cite Aguirre in contempt soon after the volunteer lawyer candidly admitted to the impeachment court that he did cover his ears.
“That’s true because my ears already hurt,” Aguirre said, while being questioned by Senate President Pro Tempore Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada.
Estrada had inquired into Aguirre’s motive for publicly displaying his disdain for Santiago.
“It seemed that you don’t want to listen to her,” Estrada said. “That’s disrespect for a member of this court.”
Aguirre argued that he had to cover his ears because he did not agree with Santiago’s position that it was not usual for lawyers to withdraw, or amend their complaints.
“This happens every day. The fact is that this is the first time that I experienced in my 40 years of practice that a judge would lecture his lawyers. That’s not proper,” Aguirre said.

Monday, March 5, 2012


This is from BBC NEWS. I saw a lot of pictures and issues of this everywhere most especially in facebook. But did you know what this really mean and what were the effects of this to the society? You can read what I have read about planking. I'm sure a lot of us here encountered this, I myself had a picture doing this but I never uploaded it since it was not that good in the eyes of many, some said it was cool but some were annoyed. WAHT CAN YOU SAY ABOUT THIS? BECAUSE I HEARD A LOT OF BAD THINGS ABOUT IT, WHAT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY OF DOING THIS KIND OF THEY SAY "UNETHICAL ACT"? Here's the link for you to read from BBC NEWS and GIZMODO: and

Saturday, March 3, 2012


The first person I interviewed was Mr. Siegred F. Agustin, he’s a camera man from GMA network. He shoots different shows of GMA including Tunay na Buhay, Rescue and the like. As camera man, you must be very careful on whatever you shoot and consider all the precautions of your subject, especially he shoots shows which have sensitive topics. For instance, for Tunay na Buhay, it tackles about different stories of life, there are a lot of stories with sensitivity and even your subject agrees that you can show him/her in public, it’s also your responsibility to hide them, either blur their faces or make a shot that the subject will not be identified, because it’s in the code of ethics. You need to have your own thinking about cases like that. Most of the time, he experiences this kind of situation when he shoots documentary shows. He said that the most sensitive to shoot are the children, you need to have consent from DOLE or the permission of the guardians.

            I also interviewed one of the program researchers of Kapuso mo, Jessica Soho and Day off,  Mr. Mike Cristobal, he’s also working for other shows of GMA in some of the programs’ epsisodes and was also the segment producer of Hanep Buhay, but the show already ended. According to him, we have limitations in media and you have to consider that in every story you do, especially when it comes to the privacy and protection of a particular person. In GMA, they have handbook, it includes the regulations of the network, so they have a guide in making decisions about ethical issues. It still depends on the person, you just need to do what are the right things, you do not literally follow the rules written on the handbook but have your own thinking and be open-minded about different cases you encounter. I also discovered that the staff from GMA are not allowed to receive anything from any person they interview, feature and the like, it’s part of their ethical responsibilities, so as not to be bias or anything. But then, it still depends on the person, all the ethical issues that the media practitioners experience depend on the person on how to decide or cope up with the situation, but for him he never did anything unethical when it comes to his work because he considers all the do’s and don’ts. If you think people will not be interested with your story because of some things that you need to hide, make other ways to fulfill the story you want to achieve, strategize so that you can still gain the interest of the people, like what he said “bumawi ka sa ibang elemento”. That is in the case of the public affairs shows, but in news, this is where you encounter most of the problems about ethical issues, he said it’s still the same with news, but in news it’s more complicated. His main point is, publish what you think the public has the right to know, but protect and respect also the privacy of your subject. Look at the both sides and that’s when you make a move of what to publish. It really depends on the journalist on how to treat a specific story, but we have to always remember that we are (media practitioners) here to serve the public. That’s one of the objectives of being a media practitioner, so we must focus on our objectives.